Did You Know?
Conservative estimates of adult urinary incontinence (UI) are between 16% and 22% of the population. Adults over the age of 60 have the highest rates of UI. Women have a three times greater incidence of UI than men.

What's the Impact?
There can be a profound impact of incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction on an individual's ability to participate in their everyday, meaningful activities. These may include being able to to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle, fulfilling relationships, engagement in activities outside of the home, social interactions with family and friends, sexual activity, and more.

How Can We Help?
As a seasoned therapist with specialty training in women's pelvic health, I offer clients a comprehensive approach to supporting optimal function and independence in their everyday living. Considerations include mobility, strength, balance, vision, sensation, fine & gross motor skills, mental function, home environment, daily routine, habits, and activity level as all of these influence performance of daily living activity. If appropriate, more detailed evaluation of pelvic floor muscle function may be conducted where we look at muscle strength, tone, and coordination. Care will include prescription of therapeutic exercises adapted to your needs, guidance in making reasonable lifestyle modifications, instruction on behavioral training (habit changing), and make recommendations for environmental adaptation and/or equipment as needed. Lastly, but of equal importance, we will examine the psychological impact of your continence difficulty, exploring ways to process social and emotional challenges, and restore or improve meaningful relationships and participation in activities you love.